For an Ultrasound Appt: 541 899-1081
8 YO MN Yorkshire Terrier presenting in respiratory distress. Fluid cytology showed sheets of mesothelial cells. Thoracic ultrasound revealed sessile, irregular mass in caudal thorax, near diaphragm.
10 year old FS DSH presenting with lethargy, bilateral renomegaly. The right kidney was severely enlarged and effaced by hypoechoic parenchyma.
Patient presented with mild dyspnea and lethargy. Lung mass found on thoracic radiographs.
8 year old MN Golden Retriever presenting for acute lethargy; hemoabdomen was suspected. The abdominal ultrasound did not identify any masses, but revealed mild ascites and an enlarged caudal vena cava, so an echocardiogram was performed.
8 year old Golden Retriever presenting with acute lethargy/collapse; echocardiogram showed pericardial effusion and wall mass at the junction of the right atrium and right ventricle.
13 yo FS DSH presenting for severe hematuria; this cat's bladder was normal on an ultrasound performed one month prior. There was no history of trauma or cystocentesis, and this large clot, which moved with the cat's body position, was likely caused by primary renal hematuria. The clot resolved over several weeks and did not recur.
Bi-lobed gallbladders are occasionally observed in cats and are a normal variation.
This 10 month old cat had a history of tenesmus and mucoid diarrhea. Her lab work showed severely elevated globulins. She had severe colonic wall thickening.
This older cat had severe, recurrent hematuria. On ultrasound, she had thick bladder walls, bladder stones, an echoic septa within the bladder lumen and hyperechioc foci in her urine.
This 9 YO FS Labrador presented in severe acute renal failure (BUN > 150, creatinine 13.5); her total calcium was too high to read (>15.5) on in-house blood work. Her renal cortices were severely hyperechoic.
This 10 YO FS Ragdoll had IRIS stage 2 kidney disease and severely enlarged and irregular kidneys on palpation.
12 YO FS Cairn Terrier with acute on chronic renal failure; biliary mucocele was an incidental finding. This image shows the classic "kiwi fruit" appearance.
This image shows the classic changes of feline renal lymphoma, with an enlarged, irregular kidney and a hypoechoic perinephric rim
8 month old MN kitten with fever, lethargy, anorexia, diarrhea, elevated globulins and azotemia. The kidneys are severely enlarged on ultrasound.
10 YO MN Yorkshire Terrier presented for vomiting with a previous history of pancreatitis. A large duodenal mass was found on ultrasound with focal peritonitis.
12 YO MN DSH recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Presented for severe vomiting - it was a long hair ball!
4 YO MN DSH that vomited up a hair tie - he had severely plicated small intestines on ultrasound.
10 YO MN Boston Terrier with soft stool, weight loss and mildly decreased albumin.
11 YO MN Pekingese presenting for acute abdominal pain. The left kidney was surgically removed - diagnosis was low grade renal carcinoma with a low mitotic index.
This 1 year FS Lab cross presented 2 months after being spayed at a local shelter for signs of estrus - both ovaries were found on ultrasound!
This 18 YO FS cat had IRIS stage 2 kidney disease; an ultrasound revealed a cyst with echogenic fluid; the cyst was drained with U/S guidance, and cytology was consistent with carcinoma
This small lesion was an incidental finding in a 15 YO FS DSH.
This 4 YO MN Dalmatian was in acute renal failure; both kidneys were effaced by hypoechoic homogenous parenchyma
This 11 YO FS cat presented for vomiting; renal values were normal.
This 12 YO MN German Shepherd mix presented for anorexia and vomiting; he had severe cranial abdominal pain and elevated ALKP and ALT.
15 YO MN Shih Tzu with stranguria; multiple bladder masses with metastasis to sublumbar lymph node found on ultrasound
12 YO male intact Scottish Terrier - very typical appearance of BPH